High body temperature detection for disease prevention

GANZ thermal cameras and VAIDIO social health analytics are helping companies all over the world to move to a new normal and safely re-open their businesses. GANZ and VAIDIO social screening and health analytics include contact tracing detection, distancing detection, facemask detection, occupancy detection and high body temperature detection.

Artificial Intelligence

Thermal solutions can be easily integrated in surveillance environments that embrace artificial intelligence and deep learning technology. Thermal cameras can screen the body temperature of people and identify and isolate infected persons. Smart analytics can detect if persons are wearing personal protective equipment like masks. Intelligent people counting can send out alerts if locations like bars, mosques, movie theaters, restaurants, shops and supermarkets have reached their maximum capacity. AI technology can measure the distance of people to each other and enforce social distancing. Intelligent face recognition technology can help to trace people that have been in contact with infected persons for better viral diseases management.

High body temperature detection

Companies are looking for innovative solutions to enhance their health screening processes to protect their employees and visitors. VAIDIO body temperature detection integrates with thermal cameras to receive thermographic images of individuals within a distance from the camera. VAIDIO analytics simultaneously detect people, faces and temperature and alert operators for people with elevated temperature. The analytics can actually enhance the accuracy of the thermal camera without using a blackbody system.


Application scenario
Concert halls
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Elderly homes
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Application scenario

Facemask Detection

Creating a safe workspace is one of the top priorities for companies. VAIDIO Facemask Detection provides the ability to detect and alert on face mask violations in real-time. Operators can search for people with or without a face mask and create alerts for proactive response to noncompliance with onsite safety regulations. Insights in adoption and violation rates can be used to optimize decision making to ensure that businesses comply with health and safety audits.


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Application scenario
Application scenario

Occupancy detection

To ensure compliance with social distancing directives, companies can continually monitor their occupancy statistics and protect employees and visitors. VAIDIO Occupancy Detection enables operators to set rules to count people as they enter and exit a premise across multiple cameras, entrances and exit points. The intelligent software can trigger alerts when user-defined thresholds are exceeded.


Public places
Application scenario
Railway Stations
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Application scenario
Application scenario

Distancing detection

Public health agencies encourage social distancing as best way to curb the spread of viruses. VAIDIO Distancing Detection provides real-time, relevant situational awareness and can trigger alerts when people are too close to one another in a pre-defined field of view. This enables operators to rapidly assess and respond to developing situations like group gatherings or foot traffic bottlenecks.


Sport Stadiums
Application scenario
Application scenario
Application scenario
Theme Parcs
Application scenario

Contact tracing detection

Contact tracing is an important instrument to reduce the infection rates. Contact tracing enables operators to identify individuals that have had contact with a virus infected person and recommend those individuals to go in self-quarantine. VAIDIO Face Recognition, Intelligent Video Search and Appearance Search are useful tools for contact tracing.

Screening process

Step 1

Persons are approaching a thermal screening check- point at the entrance of a hospital, hotel, restaurant, school, supermarket etc.

Step 2

Individuals are remotely screened as they look into the thermal camera. The Screening process takes less than a second.

Step 3

The operator looks into a color monitor and receives an alarm when a person shows a temperature out of the norm.

Step 4

Persons with an elevated body temperature will be isolated from the others and referred to medical staff for examination.